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What is limescale?

If there is a lot of lime in the water, it is called hard water. These lime particles are very small and invisible to the naked eye. When hard water heats up and dries out, calcium and magnesium carbonate (limescale) is deposited on surfaces and becomes visible.

Where does limescale occur?

Insufficient flow rates, high temperatures, unfavourable turbulence, high degrees of hardness or heavy soiling can lead to deposits that affect the proper functioning of e.g. cooling and heating elements, boilers, dosing pumps, valves, sensors and atomisers. Lime from rinsing and washing water builds up on enamel, tiles, glass, chrome, stainless steel and ceramic surfaces.

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Limescale insulates, increasing the need for energy and causing equipment to be overloaded. Together with iron deposits, limescale is an extremely difficult contaminant to remove. Heavy limescale on sanitary fittings is a breeding ground for bacteria.


Removing limescale has an aesthetic purpose. Limescale makes surfaces dull and unsightly. Heavy limescale and rust deposits on sanitary fittings give a neglected impression.


Equipment with limescale deposits is much less efficient. Limescale can drastically reduce the service life of the equipment. Cleaning off limescale is time-consuming, expensive and harmful to the environment. Descaling prevents expensive repairs.


Limescale primarily occurs in places where water flows regularly. It is rough and forms a porous surface where a biofilm of bacteria and mould forms quickly. Limescale therefore also has a major impact on hygiene.

Limescale removal

Conventional toilet cleaners consist of aggressive acids, which are harmful to people and materials when used repeatedly. Safe alternatives include bio-descaling agents such as lactic acid and citric acid.

Dissolving lime

There are pipes made of stainless steel (inox), lead, copper and galvanised pipes: the wrong method can cause damage. Suitable products for limescale removal Ecometal Human-friendly and ecologically sound viscous acid cleaner. For removing copper and rust deposits. Ecosem – Human-friendly and ecologically sound cleaning concentrate. Nutrifoam Plus – Powerful, concentrated, fully biodegradable acid cleaner specifically for use in foam applications where lime and rust deposits need to be removed. E.P. Scalex – Safe, biodegradable descaler based on natural raw materials including lactic and citric acid. Ecosan – Powerful, biodegradable and ecologically sound sanitary cleaner. Megaplus Citrus – Powerful, concentrated, fully biodegradable acid cleaner based on ingredients such as lactic acid.