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A toddler on a mission: the story of Eco-Point CEO Ferry Samuels

A young boy is playing at the water’s edge and is fascinated by the tadpoles swarming in the ditch. He puts them in a glass jar and proudly takes them home.

The birth of an ambition

When he returns some years later, he sees that there is no life to be seen in the stinking black ditch water. He doesn’t quite understand what is going on. His parents explain to him that this is because of the harmful substances in the water, which mean the tadpoles have no chance of survival. This comes as a shock to the boy and plays an important role in the choices he makes later in life. During his studies to become a lab technician, he does an internship with an exchange-listed company that produces cleaning products and becomes more and more involved in the production processes and the raw materials that are used. It soon becomes clear that the traditional raw materials used there are harmful to people, machines and the environment. His ambition to make safe cleaning products was born there.


His conviction that it could be done more safely and his employer’s values prove to be incompatible and, together with a good friend, he starts Eco-Point. Eco-Point for the green dots on the ‘i’. The startup period is certainly not easy. A role model in the field of cleaning agents does not yet exist. It is true pioneering. It takes effort to make the market aware of the need to do things differently. More safely. Because 29 years ago, he and his friend were still crying in the wilderness. With an intensive market approach through consultants and product presentations, lectures, and generating publicity, Eco-Point gets more and more name recognition. Legislation has been tightened, companies’ views on corporate social responsibility are growing, sustainable enterprise is a catchword.

Respect & responsibility

Products are produced on the basis of intrinsic values. Respect and responsibility are important pillars. Contributing to preserving the planet and improving the working and living environment of its inhabitants. We guarantee safe products, a high level of service, delivery reliability and exceptional knowledge of the latest developments. And what it all comes down to in the end is listening carefully to the customers. They are always at the basis of the innovations. The products fit into a circular economy. Renewable raw materials and raw materials from residual streams are used. There are raw materials that can be produced again and again, or that would otherwise be destroyed. For example, an ink remover is made from sugar beet pulp. Degreasers are made from pine needles and rape seed, and descalers from substances such as citric acid and lactic acid. Products are developed that do not require hazard symbols. And awards have also been received. Such as the Care & Profit Prize 2006, special recognition from Metaalunie 2009, Chamber of Commerce prize for creative entrepreneurship W-Brabant 2011, 24th place MKB innovation top 100 , Finalist Brabant Award, Winner Insinger Award 2018. That toddler of yesteryear, now as CEO, is beaming from ear to ear. And rightly so. Mission accomplished!

Eco-Point joins DST-CHEMICALS A/S.

We are excited to inform you that as per 21 May 2024, the Eco-Point Group has been acquired by DST-CHEMICALS A/S.

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